
Peer-Reviewed Articles

  • Public investment as a source of capacity-creating autonomous demand: Implications for growth and stability, Review of Political Economy, 2024, forthcoming.

  • A stock-flow consistent model of inventories, debt financing and investment decisions, with Pereira Serra, G., Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2024, DOI:

  • Sellers’ Inflation and Distributive Conflict: Lessons from the post-COVID recovery, with Rochon, L. P., Review of Political Economy, DOI:

  • The Supermultiplier Model and the Role of Autonomous Demand: An Empirical Test for European Countries, with Barbieri Goes, M. C. and Diniz Moraes, V., Review of Political Economy, 2024, DOI:

  • Distribution, capital intensity and public debt-to-GDP ratio: An Input Output – Stock Flow Consistent model, with Di Domenico, L. and Barbieri Goes, M. C., Economia Politica, 2023, DOI:

  • Food and Energy Inventory Management, Fiscal Policy and the Quest for Strategic Quantity Controls: A Stock-Flow Consistent Model, with Pereira Serra, G., Bulletin of Political Economy, forthcoming.

  • Autonomous Demand and Economic Growth in Mexico: Theory and Empirics, with Barbieri Goes, M. C. and Gahn, S., Review of Keynesian Economics, forthcoming.

  • Joan Robinson’s Historical Time and the Current State of Post-Keynesian Growth Theory, with Setterfield, M., Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2023, DOI:

  • Teaching Heterodox Macroeconomics: Some Reflections from Macroeconomics After Kalecki and Keynes by Eckhard Hein, with Barbieri Goes, M. C., PSL Quarterly Review, 2023, DOI:

  • Investment, Autonomous Demand and Long Run Capacity Utilization: An Empirical Test for the Euro Area, with Barbieri Goes, M. C., Economia Politica, 2023, DOI:

  • How Short is the Short Run in the Neo-Kaleckian Growth Model?, Review of Political Economy, 2023, DOI:

  • COVID-19 and Economic Losses: the Role of Policies and Structural Conditions, with Andrade, P.D.S., Barbieri Goes, M.C., Corburger, C., Gurgone, A., Kerényi, A., Martínez H., Turco, E. M. and Wang W., Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(8), 354, 2022, DOI:

  • When is the Long Run? – Historical Time and Adjustment Periods in Demand-led Growth Models, Metroeconomica, 73(4), 2022, DOI:

  • Infection IS the Cycle: Unemployment, Output and Economic Policies in the COVID-19 Pandemic, with Barbieri Goes, M. C., Review of Political Economy, 33(3), 2021, DOI:

  • Original Sin in Latin America (2000-2015): theory, empirical assessment and alternatives, with Barbieri Goes, M. C. and Diniz Moraes, V., Revista de Economia, v. 40, n. 72, 2019, DOI:

Under Review

  • Reduction of CO2 Emissions, Climate Damage and the Persistence of Business Cycles: A Theoretical Model of (De)coupling.

  • Risk Elicitation Methods: A Systematic Literature review based on Bibliometric Mapping, with Rinaldi, A.

  • Debt-credit flows and stocks in a Supermultiplier model with two autonomous demand components: Consequences for growth, with Di Bucchianico, S. and Lofaro, A.

  • Kaldor, Hicks and Goodwin meet the Supermultiplier: On Growth Cycles and Autonomous Demand.

Chapters in Books

  • Green central banking and Climate Transition: challenges to promote green investment and overcome climate risks, with Braga, J. P., in Coping with the challenges of the European Central Bank, Citera, E., Sau, L., Tropeano D. (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, USA, 2024, forthcoming.

  • Time Horizon, Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, USA, 2023, DOI:

  • Time Preference, Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, USA, 2023, DOI:

  • Traverse, path dependency, and economic dynamics, The Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics. Rochon L.P. and Rossi S. (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, USA, DOI:

Working Papers and Work in Progress

  • Green investment and productivity: Main policy challenges, with Jona-Lasinio, C. and Samoncini, B., mimeo.

  • Inflation as Conflict: Lessons from the post-COVID Recovery, with Rochon L.P., 20th Annual STOREP Conference, Conference paper, 2023.

  • Logistic versus Exponential Fits for Cumulative Carbon Emissions: An Empirical Note on the Economics of Climate Change, 20th Annual STOREP Conference, Conference paper, 2023.

  • When is the Long Run? - Historical Time and Adjustment Periods in Demand-led Growth Models, 17th Annual STOREP Conference, Conference paper, 2020.

  • A Predator-Prey Model of Unemployment and W-shaped Recession in the COVID-19 Pandemic, The New School for Social Research Working Papers, Department of Economics, 1904/2019.

  • Inventories, Debt Financing and Investment Decisions: A Bayesian Analysis for the US Economy, with Pereira Serra, G., The New School for Social Research Working Papers, Department of Economics, 2005/2019.

  • Investment, Autonomous Demand and Long Run Capacity Utilization: An Empirical Test for the Euro Area, The New School for Social Research Working Papers, Department of Economics, 1904/2019.

  • Investment, Autonomous Demand and Long-run Capacity Utilization: An Empirical Test for the Euro Area, IPE Berlin Working Paper, 116/2019.

  • The Supermultiplier Model and the Role of Autonomous Demand: An Empirical Test for European Countries, with Barbieri Goes, M. C. and Diniz Moraes, V., 1st International Workshop on Demand-led Growth, Conference paper, 2018.

  • Endogenous Development in ALBA-TCP Member Countries: Assessing an Alternative Model of Regional Integration (2004-today), 8th Annual Conference in Political Economy - IIPPE, Conference paper, 2017.

Other Publications

  • Essays on Macrodynamic Theory, Historical Time and Climate Change, PhD Dissertation, The New School ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, Available at

  • Sacrificare vite sull’altare della ripartenza economica è una strategia perdente, with Zolea, R., Il Menabò di Etica ed Economia, n. 164/2022, January 2022.

  • Una riflessione critica sul G20 tra produttività, crescita e digitalizzazione, with Patella, V., Il Menabò di Etica ed Economia, n. 159/2021, October 2021.

  • Will productivity growth come back after COVID-19?, EPOG Policy Brief, October 2021.

  • Tackling the Risk of a Jobless and Uneven Recovery: Some stylized facts on Employment and Inactivity in G20 countries, G20 Data and Policy Tracker - Policy Brief, October 2021.

  • Pay them more: Wages, Productivity and Income Distribution: A Stylized Analysis for Advanced G20 Countries, G20 Data and Policy Tracker - Policy Brief, September 2021.

  • Will productivity growth come back after COVID-19? Putting the productivity slowdown in context for G20 countries, G20 Data and Policy Tracker - Policy Brief, July 2021.

  • Has global trade recovered from the COVID-19 shock? - Prospects and perils for growth and trade after the COVID-19 pandemic, G20 Data and Policy Tracker - Policy Brief, June 2021.

  • Is there a trade-off between health and economic growth? - Some stylized facts for G20 countries in the COVID-19 pandemic, G20 Data and Policy Tracker - Policy Brief, May 2021.

  • Per una critica alla tesi della polarizzazione lavorativa: una prospettiva latinoamericana, Nuestra America, November 2016.